Let’s count 1-20 busy box

Themed educational activities, to enjoy with your amazing little learner.

Let’s count 1-20 busy box offers many fun learning activities, be it starting off with simple number recognition, number orders, counting, basic adding and subtracting.

Keep an eye out for more of our busy boxes coming soon.


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Introducing our busy box range.  Each box has a different educational activity.  Allowing you to build up your very own range of busy boxes to enjoy over and over again.

Here is our let’s count 1-20 busy box.  Included within your box are the numbers 1-20 on individual square laminated cards.  You can use them as simple flashcards gaining core knowledge and number recognition.  Mix the cards up and start looking at number orders 1-10, 1-20, odds and evens too.  Also included are cards for + , – and = so that you can take your cards and bring in basic sums for adding and subtracting.  Allowing both your child and busy box opportunity to grow and develop together hand in hand.  Finally there are also 20 stacking counters included., adding a visual add to counting and number recognition.

Other busy boxes will include phonics activities, red words, pattern matching, colours, shapes and more